RUPCO Greene County

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, also known as Section 8, is a Federal program managed by New York State Homes and Community Renewal, that provides rental assistance for very low-income families. This program allows the family to choose and lease affordable, privately owned rental housing. Eligible families are issued a “voucher” that demonstrates that the family is eligible for rental assistance. A family’s rent is limited to 30-40% of their adjusted monthly income and a subsidy covers the remaining portion of the rent.
RUPCO is the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)/Section 8 Program’s local administrator in Ulster and Greene Counties, managing over 2,000 vouchers in our offices in Catskill and Kingston.
You may only apply for Section 8 when the waitlist is open.
The Greene County Section 8 Waitlist is OPEN
Located at 175 Water St, this property is RUPCO’s office in Catskill, where the Greene County Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program is administered. The two-story building includes additional commercial space tenants and three two-bedroom apartments.
RUPCO does not maintain a waiting list for this property; when rentals become available, they will be advertised in local newspapers, on this website, as well as posted in our offices.
Learn more and visit the Rupco Greene County website
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