32 Bronson St. Catskill, Greene County, New York 12414
(518) 943-2900

Plumbing Emergency

Catskill - New York State - Public Housing

Plumbing Emergency

Flooded Apartments: Call the maintenance department emergency number. To eliminate the problem: toilets, kitchen and bathroom sinks have shut off valves located at the wall. Please turn these valves off to keep from extra water flow into your unit.

Commode Stopped Up: If you have only one commode, then call the emergency maintenance number. If you have two commodes, use the other commode and call maintenance the next business day.

Kitchen Sink Stopped Up: Kitchen sink stop ups are not emergencies. Contact maintenance the next business day.  (DO NOT use Drano, Clorox or other over the counter drain cleaners.)

Bathroom Sink Stopped Up: This is not considered an emergency and should be called into maintenance the next business day.

Bathtub Stopped Up: This is not considered an emergency. Call the maintenance department the next business day.

Faucet Leaking: This is not considered an emergency. Call the maintenance department the next working day. If the faucet is running full force, turn the cut-off valve, located under the sink to the off position, and call the maintenance department the next business day.

Broken Windows: Call the emergency maintenance number and the maintenance department will board up the window. Under normal circumstances your window will be replaced with than five business days. DO NOT try to remove the broken glass from the frame.