32 Bronson St. Catskill, Greene County, New York 12414
(518) 943-2900


Catskill - New York State - Public Housing

Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor for the Catskill Housing Authority (CHA). To register as a new vendor with the CHA, please enter some general business information and an indication of the types of goods and/or services you can offer the CHA. Vendors are required to fill out the Vendor Registration Packet completely to be added to the vendor database.

Please be sure to read and follow the instructions to complete the information in the below sections:

  1. CHA Vendor Registration Form
  2. Insurance Requirements

Please attach a completed W-9 form with your information below:

This is to draw your attention to the Catskill Housing Authority’s (CHA) Terms & Conditions concerning Insurance Certificates and Limits of Liability. CHA is requesting that all Contractors currently conducting business or performing any services at any of the CHA s’ properties submit Certificates of Insurance. RHA requires the following insurance provisions from Contractors and Suppliers:

  1. Workers Compensation: As required by State Law for company size.
  2. Comprehensive General Liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This shall include premises and/or operations; independent contractors; products and completed operations and contractual liability.
  3. Business Auto Liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of $500,000 per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This shall include: owned vehicles, hired and non-owned vehicles and employee non-ownership. Rockingham Housing Authority is to be listed as Additional Insured on both the comprehensive general liability and business auto liability policies. RHA shall be named as the Certificate Holder using the following name and address:

32 Bronson Street
Catskill, NY 12414
Hours: Monday-Friday
9am-12pm / 1pm-4pm
Office: 518.943.2900

RHA does require a valid, up to date copy of your policy to be maintained on file with our office during the duration of any service or particular project. Renewal certificates shall be sent to CHA via fax or mail 30 days prior to any expiration date. In addition, there shall be a 30-day notification to CHA in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. Please send certificates to the address listed above. Please contact the office number listed above with any questions.

Vender Registration

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Contact Person
Type of Firm
MM slash DD slash YYYY
1099 Vendor
Business indicator for U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development Reporting Purposes (Check all fields that apply): *
CONTRACTOR SERVICE INFORMATION: Primary Service (check all that apply)
Have any judgments, claims, suits, or charges been rendered against your firm in the last three years?*
Do you currently have relatives employed by the Catskill Housing Authority?*
Are you currently or have you formerly been employed by the Rockingham Housing Authority?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 100 MB.